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issued by Government and the Ministry of the Commission to all entities that assist in the
Health. dissemination of voter information.
• Deployment of Voter Educators at • Social gatherings
Parish Level The easing of the restrictions on COVID-19
The Commission employs Sub County and made social gatherings an avenue for
Parish Supervisors on a temporary basis among effective voter mobilization. This is in places
other duties to conduct voter education in their of worship, weddings, burials, clan/family
areas of jurisdiction. They use megaphones meetings, women SACCOs, sports teams and
procured by the Commission for this purpose parties. Such gatherings become avenues for
and submit reports on their activities to the sensitizing, creating awareness and mobilizing
respective Returning Officers. the public to participate in electoral activities.
• Production of voter education • Mainstream media (newspapers,
materials/messages radio and television)
Posters are produced in the official and Traditional media remains an effective
various native languages and pinned in public channel of communication and reaches
places like markets, business centres and wide audiences. Voter education messages
public transport stages. Posters are highly are relayed in form of public notices,
visible and are one of the cost effective forms announcements, spot messages, DJ Mentions,
that allows you to spread public message and live interactive talk shows. Drama skits
to wide audiences. Electronic and printed are placed on radio while animated videos are
billboards are also availed in strategic points placed on TV to sensitize the public on various
like buildings and road junctions to attract aspects of the electoral process, including
viewership. promoting peaceful coexistence before and
after elections. Audio and visual content is also
• Local Community Radios posted on social media platforms, including
Community open-air radios, also known as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram to
“ebizindaalo” are located in the communities reach online audiences.
mainly in trading centres, markets, towns,
and peri-urban areas and are instrumental • EC Website (
in conveying information and mobilizing the The Electoral Commission website is
communities. updated on a continuous basis with public
information on electoral laws, programmes,
• Partnerships with Civil Society policies, rights and responsibilities of voters
Organisations and business opportunities, among others.
District election officials take advantage
of community activities and programmes • Social Media Platforms
organised by civil society organisations to Social Media platforms like WhatsApp,
disseminate information on elections. Most Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
of the CSOs are donor funded. To ensure are very popular among the youth and urban
uniformity and to prevent information elites. These are quick and effective channels
distortion, all messages and materials to relay voter information and generate debate
produced by CSOs must first be approved from which various stakeholders can draw
by the Commission. Additionally, uniform lessons for action.
messages and materials are also provided by
22 | VoICE International | October 2022