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        women in representative bodies is substantially   to improve the implementation of electoral rights
        higher than in previous years.                of citizens with disabilities (hereinafter referred
           In order to increase women’s political     to as the Working Group). The Working Group
        participation in society, the CEC, together with its   included representatives of state bodies, civil society
        partners, is conducting training and awareness-  representing the interests of voters with disabilities,
        raising activities.                           civic activists from among voters with disabilities
                                                      and international organizations.
        Electoral Rights of PwDs                         In 2019-2020, the aforementioned ‘Working
           In matters of ensuring the electoral rights of   Group’ audited all polling stations. In February
        persons with disabilities, the CEC of the Kyrgyz   2020, the number of polling places equipped
        Republic administers on a regular basis, measures to   with ramps reached 43%, in August – 65.7%, in
        implement electoral rights and increase participation   September - 79% and in December – 83.4%. In
        of persons with disabilities in politics.     September 2021, the number of polling stations
           In order to implement Article 29 of the    increased to - 85%.  At the same time, at 185
        “Convention on the Rights of Persons with     polling stations there was no need for a ramp. The
        Disabilities” and the “Strategy for ensuring the   work on the provision of access to voting premises
        electoral rights of persons with disabilities of August   continues, including bringing them in line with the
        8, 2019”, amendments were made to the election   standards of accessibility. The CEC of the Kyrgyz
        laws. Procedures were established for registering   Republic equipped each polling station with signs
        voters with disabilities. The concept of voter with   for call buttons in Braille. Help call buttons are
        disabilities was introduced, mechanisms for the   placed to signal help to members of the precinct of
        formation and implementation of their needs,   election commission. At the moment the work from
        map of persons                                                         quantity to quality is
        with disabilities                                                      underway and there
        were implemented         The Working Group included representatives of state   will be an audit of
        and standards for        bodies, civil society representing the interests of voters   compliance with the
        accessibility of         with disabilities, civic activists from among voters with   standards of ramp
        polling stations were    disabilities and international organizations.  devices.
        established. Besides                                                      Twice a year the
        requirements for                                                       authorized state
        information and campaigning in special formats and   bodies send accounting information to the CEC
        provision for voting assistance and registration were   of the Kyrgyz Republic about the actual number
        defined.                                      of voters at in-patient medical and preventive
           The CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic to improve   treatment institutions, in places of detention
        the inclusiveness of electoral processes adopted   as suspects and defendants and persons with
        the Regulation “On ensuring the electoral rights of   disabilities.
        citizens of certain categories during elections and
        referenda in the Kyrgyz Republic”, approved by   Ensuring Accessibility
        CEC Decision No. 216 of November 17, 2016, the   In order to ensure accessibility in voting, the
        Regulation “On ensuring the implementation of   corresponding election commission together with
        electoral rights of citizens with disabilities during   the territorial subdivisions of the authorized state
        elections and referenda in the Kyrgyz Republic”,   body in the sphere of social development compiles
        approved by CEC Decision No. 506 of October 7,   a map of the needs of voters with disabilities
        2017.                                         (hereinafter referred to as the map of needs). The
           Decision No. 2 of June 20, 2019 of the CEC of   map of needs is used to collect quantitative and
        the Kyrgyz Republic established a working group   qualitative data on voters with disabilities who need

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