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special conditions in the voting room, indicating all campaign materials with the use of sign language
data according to the form approved by the CEC interpretation or sub-titling, printed in large font
of the Kyrgyz Republic. When compiling the map that is easy to read, as well as use Braille or other
of needs, social campaigns are launched – “take a special means for voters with disabilities, in not
neighbor”, “volunteer’s help”, “social cab” and so on. less than 1% of the total circulation of campaign
During the elections, the tables, voting booths materials.
and ballot boxes, as well as information stands Add to that the Election Law provides for a
at polling stations are located in such a way quota of at least two candidates - persons with
as to ensure their accessibility for voters who disabilities and one of them must be included in
use wheelchairs or have difficulties in moving the list of the first 25 candidates. In the October
independently 4, 2020 parliamentary
(in height, width, elections of the Kyrgyz
depth and To ensure the electoral rights of persons with Republic, 43 persons
location). All disabilities and to increase the participation of with disabilities were
precinct election women, the CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic together with included in the lists of
commissions have partners and representatives of civil society carries candidates for deputies.
a stencil-ballot out a set of informational and educational activities. At the elections to
paper with Braille Jogorku Kenesh of the
(in Kyrgyz and Kyrgyz Republic, held
Russian) and a magnifying glass. on November 28, 2021, 46 persons with disabilities
In terms of informing the voters with disabilities were included in the lists of candidates from
during the preparation and conduct of elections political parties.
and referenda, CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic has As a part of the preparation and conduct of
prepared and equipped each polling station and elections and referenda, the CEC of the Kyrgyz
public organizations with information materials Republic engages persons with disabilities in the
using special formats. For instance, Posters are call-centre, as well as engaged specialists in the
displayed “On measures to ensure the electoral working groups of the CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic.
rights of citizens with disabilities”, brochures “On To ensure the electoral rights of persons with
measures to implement the electoral rights of disabilities and to increase the participation of
voters with disabilities in the Kyrgyz Republic” women, the CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic together
and flyers on the voting procedure for voters with with partners and representatives of civil society
disabilities. Audio and video materials with sign carries out a set of informational and educational
language interpretation had been placed on the activities. These informational, educational
official website of CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic. Now measures on inclusion of electoral rights of persons
as a practice, informing and updating persons with with disabilities and increasing the political
disabilities in special formats is a set norm. participation of women will be implemented based
According to the Election Law, candidates and on the programs of the Civic Education and Electoral
political parties are obliged to publish and distribute Technologies Center of CEC of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Nazgul Usupbekova,
Grant Assistance Coordinator, Kyrgyz Republic
28 | VoICE International | October 2022