Page 18 - voice-international-oct2022
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internet banners, screensavers, dynamic splash
screens, and video and audio clips.
The second phase involved consultations
about the technical and organizational needs of
the partner had there been an intention to tailor
the information to a particular technical capacity.
This was followed up by the desired adaptation and
integration of the materials to the specific type of
the partner’s communications.
The third phase involved the publication of the
information materials. During the 2021 State Duma
elections, the most active phase of the information
campaign took place in late August and early Information on Screen
September, i.e., during the last month before the
voting. on monitors in
Campaign petrol stations and
video and audio A total of 24 partners were involved in the 2021 outreach placed relevant
clips appeared on campaign. These included ministries and agencies, state inscriptions on sales
television, radio, corporations, media holdings, and major representatives of receipts. Video walls
and social media. the banking, transport, and oil and gas sectors. and TV panels in
Information was offices across the
broadcasted in Russian Federation
public announcements on trains and metro stations, displayed a dynamic splash screen and posts were
and at the airports. Campaign modules and banners posted on the company’s social media channels with
were placed on information boards, in newspapers, information about the upcoming elections.
in-flight magazines, corporate publications, on X5 Retail Group rotated dynamic election splash
official and corporate websites, in offices and in screens in the chain’s stores across Russia. Where
train carriages, on ATMs, cheque inscriptions etc.
Sberbank PJSC and VTB Bank ensured that the
campaign’s splash screens were rotated on ATM
screens. Active banners were placed in the banks’
mobile applications, as well as their public and
corporate websites, which allowed users to go to the
CEC website.
PJSC Gazprom placed an information banner
on its official website, subsidiary websites (31 Information play
websites), social media, on Gazprombank’s ATMs it was not possible to display information on a
(8,135 ATMs), and on the monitors of Gazpromneft monitor, printed posters were placed.
petrol stations (587 One of the largest
petrol stations). It also partners, the Russian
informed employees To follow up on the campaign, during the fourth Railways informed
through its corporate (optional) phase of the partnership program, the passengers in long-
newspapers and agencies and organizations informed the Central distance trains (75
website. Election Commission of the results of their work. routes) and a ticker was
Lukoil displayed displayed on electronic
informational videos boards in MCC (Moscow
18 | VoICE International | October 2022