Page 10 - voice-international-oct2022
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Partnerships & VE Practices
oter Education (VE) is vital in
supporting citizens’ understanding
V of their rights and in realizing their
voting power in addition to giving information
on how to vote. The National Election
Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), an independent
organization established in accordance with
Article 102 of the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, has done a
lot to promote and implement VE throughout
the country. Display of Voter Education
The Ethiopian Electoral, Political Parties
Registration and Election’s Code of Conduct by the Board. Therefore, while various stakeholders
Proclamation state that NEBE shall provide and partners play a significant role in providing VE,
Voter Education (VE) by devising a strategy of NEBE played a primary role in administering the
creating election- provision of VE. With
related awareness an aim of addressing
and adopting Many local CSOs were encouraged to provide VE. marginalized
various engagement About 300 CSOs applied for accreditation. 167 CSOs populations like
approaches. According were accredited and about 60% of CSOs participated women, and persons
to the Proclamation, in providing VE from mid-February 2021. with disabilities and
the Board issues reaching out to people
accreditation to living in inaccessible
registered Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) areas, NEBE also granted financial support to 18
and educational institutions to conduct VE. The CSOs.
education and training provided by either the Board
or through institutions and organizations accredited Preparation of Supporting Material
by the Board is based on a curriculum developed Two important documents were prepared by
NEBE in consultations with stakeholders and
partners before the provision of VE. These were the
Voter Education, Licensing and Ethics Directive and
the Civic and Voter Education Teaching Manual,
along with a Trainers’ guide in five local languages.
Partnerships, Collaborations, and
Key Partners
In many of the previous elections, CSOs did not
participate in providing VE due a restrictive Charities
and Societies Proclamation (#621/2009).
Voter awareness roadshows
10 | VoICE International | October 2022