Page 84 - voice-international-oct2022
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        Case Studies of Best Practice

        in Asia & the Pacific

              valuations remain a critical tool for the assessment of
              un UN interventions, generating objective evidence,
       E demonstrating relevant change, documenting lessons
        learned and making recommendations for the future.
           This report highlights case studies to identify key lessons
        learned and best practices that can be of use to citizens and
        development practitioners everywhere to help them identify what
        works and what doesn’t in the post-pandemic world.
           This report provides inspiration for the implementation of
        strong, locally adapted evaluations that can in turn be used by
        decision-makers for the creation of stronger programs for people,
        prosperity, the planet, and partnerships.

        Democracy & Governance


           n countries riven by conflict, weak institutions,   Identifying Successful Democracy and Governance
           social divisions and grievances, political strife,   Approaches in Post Conflict Countries. The report
       I and security threats can hinder efforts to build   examined challenges for programming in post-
        or rebuild democracy and good governance. Donors   conflict contexts. The second paper of this series,
        and implementers need evidence of what works to   “Increasing the Success and Sustainability of
        better support partners in these contexts, optimize   Democracy and Governance Interventions in Post-
        resources and adapt and improve programs.     conflict Countries,” Analyses Literature Findings and
           Using data from more than 25 years of      Partner Perspectives, focuses on the perspectives of
        democracy and governance programs implemented   partners on the receiving end of CEPPS assistance,
        by the Consortium for Elections and Political   examines specific approaches that CEPPS took
        Process Strengthening (CEPPS) in 18 countries, the   to support democratization and stabilization
        International Foundation for Electoral Systems   in post-conflict environments and analyses the
        (IFES) published two reports under the project   success and sustainability of these interventions.
                                                        Its recommendations can be used by donors and
                                                        implementers to design and implement more
                                                        effective programs.
                                                           Authored by Fernanda Buril, Ph.D., Research
                                                        Specialist, Center for Applied Research and
                                                        Learning; Bailey Dinman, Research Coordinator,
                                                        Center for Applied Research and Learning. Project
                                                        lead by Chad Vickery, Vice President Global
                                                        Strategy and Technical Leadership, IFES.

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